Life is full of experiences. Share them.

I will share my daily dysfunctions with you.

And you can do the same.
Just comment, and I will reply.
Ask a question and I will do my best to answer.
No one can listen if you don't speak.

"Sometimes the best thing to do is just to say exactly what’s in your heart."

- J.D, Scrubs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"The truth is, it is all your memories, the joyful ones and the heartbreaking ones that make up who you are as a person" ( JD from Scrubs)

My first ever blog post. That's one feat I can cross off on my bucket list! I will probably look back on this post and laugh at myself for writing it. In fact, my big brother is already mocking me as I complete this...
Corny or not, this blog will contain my deepest thoughts and experiences that have shaped who I am today.
I know that there are teenagers and young adults out there who have experienced terrible things that I have also had to endure. I want to help you to understand that you are not alone ( wow, this IS getting corny ) but I also want you to help me make sense of everything.
This blog is not all just about gloomy experiences and rants; it's about the little things that keep us interested in pursuing our dreams and hobbies. Random things, of course. Random pictures, videos, items and pieces that keep us smiling throughout the day, even though we know that the day sucked terribly. 
I apologise for the shabby blog site. I promise you ( 0 followers at the moment) that I will fix this site up and make it look like a masterpiece from the movie Inception ( awesome movie, right?)
However, for the time being, I will post more random things to keep you interested/bored whilst I look up the dummies guide to blogging...

Keep on pondering...

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