Life is full of experiences. Share them.

I will share my daily dysfunctions with you.

And you can do the same.
Just comment, and I will reply.
Ask a question and I will do my best to answer.
No one can listen if you don't speak.

"Sometimes the best thing to do is just to say exactly what’s in your heart."

- J.D, Scrubs.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sweating in Sri Lanka.

During these past few months, I have had the once in a lifetime chance to travel around the world. After my spectacular breakdown at home with school and life in general, I had the chance to take a break from school and just travel. Every teenager's dream right?
Yes, it is probably everyone's dream to be able to travel at one point in their life. However, not with their mum...

Awful movie, awesome moustache.
See, my mum is a spiritual guru, much like that character from Mike Myer's movie "the love guru", but not with the awesome moustache ( where is the fun in that?). Every year, she gathers a group of one hundered or so people and just travels to places to meditate, pray and spread happiness. If you thought that the hippies from the 60's have all turned into souless businessmen in suits, you are wrong. They are getting stronger and their spiritual group is truly legit.

So with my mum and her 100 strong group, we travelled to Europe and meditated until we laughed out of hysteria. After that, we sung, meditated, laughed and meditated.
Suits are awesome though...
No wonder why Buddha looks so happy all the time. It's meditation I tell you!

That was a few months ago but now, we are heading to Sri Lanka . It will be my first time in this country and I really don't know what to expect. Nonetheless, I will keep this blog going through out my trip to keep you 0 followers updated. It's like I am typing to myself really...
So as I sweat, meditate and eat some great curry in Sri Lanka, I will be posting my gastronomical experiences to enlighten you  about their way of life. Any dysfunctions that come along, I will be sure to note it...

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