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- J.D, Scrubs.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Send me on my way.

Day on of my journey towards Sri Lanka. 12:08 am 
I am sitting in an airline lounge, on a sunken silky lounge that has probably been sat on by thousands of cologne fueled businessmen. It's 12 o'clock in the morning and I am not the tiniest bit tired. It's disheartening to think that thousands of businessmen a day sit where I am at the moment, longing for their loving family or their comfortable bed. Instead, they have a fuzz covered chair and probably a wine glass in one hand, and their blackberry in another.

In one more hour, I will be on a plane heading to Malaysia, before landing in Sri Lanka 15 hours later. Whilst I sit here and nibble on a stale piece of bread with what looks like tuna and mayo in it, I can't help but to think how amazing technology is. This globalisation has made it possible for anyone with sufficient funds to travel from Australia to Asia in less than half a day.
I personally enjoy airlplane food; it's that plasticky taste to it that reminds me that I am more than 1000 metres in the air.

The movie Up in the Air comes to mind, starring Geroge Clooney. It wasn't heavily advertsised in the cinemas but it is a great, unique movie with genuine laughs. 1,000,000 frequent flyer miles. I'm not even close.

Watch the Up in the Air Trailer

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